This week
A few new pictures. Since we are still not 100% back up on the old computer (mom and dad have been busy painting and furniture shopping), we aren't taking many pictures. Here are a few from this past week.
I scored a GeoTracks train set for Evie on Craig's List this week. It has about a million pieces and takes 18 AAA batteries (no exageration there). She really likes to play with it and put track together. It's a nice new welcome distraction, especially on rainy days.
The Stinker is getting very wiggly in the bathtub. She spends most of tub time on her hands and knees or standing. Her favorite game is to knock all the bottles into the tub.
Ok, since we don't have the camera software loaded yet, you have to turn your head. This is naked Annalise standing with no hands--only belly support. She shows no interest in walking without help. Crawling is getting her where she needs to go fast enough.
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