Evie and Annalise Taller

Sunday, November 25, 2007

What we did on our Thanksgiving Vacation

Pull up a comfy chair because this is going to be a long entry. We spent our Thanksgiving weekend in the Wisconsin Dells. This is the log of our trip.
We all got up with Annalise (about 5:30 am) and were on the road at 6:30. Since we didn't eat at home, we stopped at Mc Donald's for breakfast. Evie tried to order chicken nuggets, but got stuck with pancakes
Annalise has started to eat with a fork. She is so civilized.
Then it was back on the road and looking for ways to amuse ourselves. Annalise would hide until someone said"Where's Annalise?". Then she would pull the blanket off. Sometimes we just let her sit there with the blanket on her head to see how far we could go.
Evie worked on a puzzle to keep herself occupied in the car.
Then we finally got to Madison where we stopped at cousin Henry's house for Thanksgiving dinner. He is a wild man now that he is almost 2.
This pretty much sums up the rest of the weekend for Annalise and Mom. Annalise was clingy to say the least.
Evie on the other hand, was having tons of fun with her cousins!
Here is the oldest and youngest cousins, Oliver and Evie.
Thanks Grandma Taller for the Turkey shirts. They sopped up the gravy quite well.
Pretty soon everyone got tired of hanging around Aunt Becky's house and decided it was time to hit the Dells!

We stayed at a resort that had a bunch of water parks. Everyone had fun. Even the babies. We all got in the water and splashed around. Evie's favorite was the wave pool and Annalise's favorite was the little kid slides. We don't have any pictures because we had enough to keep track of while at the pool without worrying about the camera.

While we were at the Dells, we celebrated Oliver's First birthday, Henry's Second Birthday and Natalie's Third birthday.
Here's the before of Oliver. Keep in mind that prior to the cake, he ate about 17 plates of food and tried to eat Natalie's dinner too.
Here's Oliver mid cake. He ate the whole thing. They will probably take him to the Dr. next week to have his hollow leg examined.
Everyone helps Oliver open his presents.

Henry's birthday was great. Take our word for it. We forgot our camera. Check his blog for pictures.

Then on the last full day, the kids checked out the indoor playground.

Henry had a great time running around.
Evie and Natalie take a break. you can see that they were running around too. They were both very good girls all weekend. They played together and I'm not aware of anyone getting hit or pushed all weekend.
Then we had Natalie's birthday.
Evie eats some cupcake. Looking pretty worn out. Don't worry, vacation is almost over.

The worn out parents. Annalise couldn't break her early morning habit and the latest we slept was 5:15. Lucky us.

The Way home.
Annalise woke up this morning at 4:30 CST and wouldn't go back to sleep. So we loaded up the car and headed home. Here she is taking a 45 minute nap. She took one other nap that was also about 45 minutes, but then stayed awake until we got home. Here's hoping that she sleeps in tomorrow morning.
Annalise was tired of playing with books so she peeling the sunshade off the window. It doesn't work when you are holding it!!!


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