A harsh reality
It has been a hard reentry into normal life for the Taller girls. Evie is having a hard time adjusting to the fact that you don't always get to eat cookies and candy. Annalise is finding it difficult to sleep without being cradled in someone's arms. Jenni is very tired of answering a million questions, mostly "Why?". Life is pretty hard without Dad and Grandparents to help out. We miss you all!
Evie is enjoying her new toys. Today we broke out the wooden veggies. They are velco-ed together and you "cut" them with a wooden knife.
Evie's future career must be in GMO's. Here she shows a prototype for an eggplant-corn-carrot. We decided to call it eggcorrot.
Annalise isn't pictured today because it's hard to take someone's picture when you are holding them all the time. She did want to tell everyone that she has learned to make raspberries (video available--email us if you want it) and she started to giggle today.
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