Evie and Annalise Taller

Friday, January 12, 2007

It's getting cold, finally

Winter has finally arrived in Minnesota. Today's high was around 7 degrees and there was a pretty bad wind chill that took us well below zero. So, we gathered up our favorite toys and retreated to the basement for the rest of the winter. Wake us in the spring.

The major benefit to living below ground is that the sun never gets in your eyes muchless shines on your skin. This gives your skin that unique Minnesota glare when you hit the waterpark in the winter.

Our other excitement today is that we have dual viruses hanging around our house. Both Evie and Annalise are running low grade fevers. Annalise's could be due to her shots yesterday, but it is more likely due to her sister sharing germs with her fingers in Annalise's mouth. To top it off, mom is getting sick too. Woo Hoo. Thank goodness dad is home this weekend and Monday to take care of all us.


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