Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day to all our readers. Or as Evie would say "Happy Balen's"
Annalise started the day in the jumper while mom and Evie ate breakfast. She can really jump high.
Loves to jump and is always happy in the morning.
Evie worked on sorting Legos today.
Then we got a package from Grandpa and Grandma Seibert. The socks looks like they will fit just right.
Evie arranges the socks for the picture. Annalise is disappointed that there were no roses or candy in the package
Annalise eats a big dinner of oatmeal before she is banished to the basement to sleep for the night. She is waking up A LOT at night and we are giving her an opportunity to learn to cry it out without waking up her sister. Don't worry grandparents, we have a network of baby monitors, night lights, CO detectors, and smoke alarms to ensure her safety.
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