For Dad
Jim has been home for almost 3 whole weeks. And we were starting to get used to having him around. But not anymore. He's back in MN tonight where the high temperature today was 7. Back here in Indiana, we are experiencing a cold snap in what we like to call "early spring". Temperatures got down to a blustery 27. I think there may have even been a wind chill. Still not cold enough for a real winter coat, hat, or gloves. Despite everything that Indiana winters are throwing at us, we are determined to remain upper midwestern hardy.
When dad is gone, lots of things change around here. We eat dinner pretty early and have our jammies on by 6:00. This facilitates an early bedtime for everyone. I just tell Evie that it is a treat to bum around in her jammies for a while before bedtime. Somehow, she thinks this means she is staying up late even though she is in bed by 7:45.
Stinkers in her doggie jammies--again. I managed to wrestle them away from her today long enough to wash them. She pulled them out of the clean clothes basket as soon as they were out of the dryer. She is having a tough night already and it's only 8:30. Wish you were here dad.
To my nephew, Henry: Thanks for your concern Hank. It's been a rough week in the sporting world for your old Aunt Jenni. We even attended my first Big Ten basketball game at Purdue and the Buckeyes lost there too. Then, with this devistating loss to the Chargers, it's all I can do to muster the strength to write this entry. Fortunately, the true king and greatest quarterback, Brett Farve, really stepped up to the plate and won the game. I would say that I'm endorsing the Pack to go for the Superbowl, but I think that would just Jinx them. Instead, I am endorsing the Patriots, the mortal and sworn enemy of the Colts. Hopefully my trend continues.
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