Annalise's 2nd Birthday
Sorry for the delay on Annalise's birthday celebration. Here it is!
We got up and right away opened presents.
Evie had a hard time keepting her hands to herself despite the many reminders.
Breakfast was the birthday special of the number shaped pancake plus M&M's!
During the day, we spent lots of time getting ready for Friday's garage sale so we didn't take many pictures. Then, in the evening, we had the birthday party!
Annalise was so excited to have a froggy cake, but is still requesting a Clifford Cake.
The Bray children got their fill of frosting and then chased all the little kids around.
The Birthday Gild didn't actually eat any cake, just the ice cream. That's the Seibert in her.
Then we opened some presents. Evan and Marin gave her a stuffed and cuddly E. coli. What other kid on the block has E. Coli? Hopefully none.
She also got some wild animals to add to her herd. Thanks Bray family!
Then she opened a book and bear from Erica and Clay--thanks!
Aunt Denise and Uncle Mike's present was finally opened after dinner on the evening of her birthday in true Taller tradition. We will have to find a chain for the pretty charm. Thank you! Mom and Dad also say thanks for the new picture of Jody and Jamie. They are getting so big!
Not to be left out, Evie got some Hand me down slippers from Marin. Do you think that Marin already outgrew these clod hoppers?
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