Evie and Annalise Taller

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Shower weekend

This weekend, we welcomed the Kling family from St. Louis to visit us. They came to help prepare and suprise Katie at her baby shower.The little girls had a tea party while the moms got ready for the grown up party. McKenna is on the left and Campbell is on the right. The little girls enjoyed yogart covered raisins, water, and cheerios.
The three bigger girls pose on the Taller girls' new basement slide. This is our winter diversion.
The big girls at the shower. Mom, Katie, Marissa, and Kathleen.
This was the spread. Looks pretty good if I do say so myself. It was a good chance to use all the china, silver, crystal, and other stuff that normally doesn't see the light of day.
Katie and Jenni
Post shower, we all went over the Lupkes for dinner and to watch the Notre Dame game. It looks like it will be a rough season for the Irish. Notice that the Taller girls are wearing Purdue T-shirts.
Jenni, Tim--the future dad, and Marissa take a break
Katie--mom to be, and Chris.All the girls who were able to stay awake until the second quarter.
No naps and all the excitement left some people pretty worn out. Note, she is an offical jack-o-lantern. She got another tooth yesterday, but it wasn't one of the top front. She got her upper left SECOND incisor. Don't worry, the other 3 top teeth are on their way.


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