Evie and Annalise Taller

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Preschool Christmas Parties

Today was the last day of school before Christmas break. Both girls celebrated with Christmas parties in their class. I got to partake in Evie's because another mom and I made the take home snack of a polar bear made entirely of marshmellows. Some other mom was in charge of the school snack. She brought in cookies for the kids to decorate and eat.
Then another mom read a story.

And yet another mom supplied the craft idea of making a finger print Christmas tree.

And finally, two more moms ran a game (hey, don't all the parents pay teachers to do this for them?? I think I want a refund on my December tutition).

Evie and her buddy with yet another sugary treat. It's going to be a long, sugary Christmas.

Over on the other side of the school, Annalise's class also had a party. Since some of the kids have separation problems, it was a no moms allowed shindig. Her teacher is really good at taking lots of pictures so we can see what is going on at school.

They each got a bell and sang several rounds of Jingle bells.

Here's a group shot of most of the munchkins. They are pretty cute.

They worked on a nativity scene. Annalise's was mostly focused on the "lambies"

They all sat down for a feast of a snack, oreo, goldfish and green juice.

And as a special treat, they got to watch Frosty the snowman . the teacher said she never saw them all sit so still. Well, yeah, turn on a TV for a bunch of 2 year olds who hardly never get to watch and they probably will even forget to blink!


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