Evie and Annalise Taller

Friday, April 17, 2009

This week

It was a slow one here. I came down with a cold on Tuesday night that pretty much put me out of commission until Today. Evie went to school when I was particularly sick and made me this beautiful card. The best part is she drew what we were wearing that day. The other good part is that we don't have any feet.

That afternoon, she drew this picture. I wasn't sure what it was. I thought it was an egg wearing overalls, but then she told me it was a picture of Jesus. Zoom in. Jesus has a goatee.
Annalise has reached the age that I wasn't looking forward to. The no napping age. That generally makes her a whiny train wreck by 6 pm. The only good thing about no naps is that we put her to bed at 7 pm. Well, on Wednesday she took a good nap. Thursday she was upstairs chatting away. I was just about ready to go get her and go outisde when she finally feel asleep. I did have to wake her because it was getting late in the afternoon. This is what I found.

She was so sweaty when she got up. The kicker came after she woke up and I took her to the potty. She normally wears a diaper at naptime. Well, during her chit chatting, she apparently removed her pants and diaper and then put her diaper back on and her pants back on. I can only guess this because when I changed her, the diaper was on BACKWARDS. Now when she naps, I remind her to keep her pants on.


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