Evie and Annalise Taller

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Crockpot Crayons

I have become a huge fan of this website
This lady decided that she was going to use her crockpot every day of 2008 and blogged her efforts. It has lots of great recipes that I am slowly trying. One of our friends up in WI also uses this website a lot and on her blog (The Cullen Family), they tried making the crayons. It looked pretty easy and since we have a box full of crayon nubs, we gave it a try.
The girls had to break the bigger pieces into smaller pieces so they would melt faster. Some of the fat crayons took a lot of muscle to break.We sorted the crayons by color and turned the crockpot on high for about 1.5 hours.
The somewhat melted crayons. This experiment is best done when the crayons are one step away from the trashcan. When you melt the generic crayons, the filler wax floats to the top and you get a frosting effect. It wasn't enough of a hinderence to prevent the kids from playing with them. But they are kind of crumbly, and will probably find their way to the trashcan when the kids are gone next week. ("I don't know what happened to your crayons....") It was a fun experiment that cleaned out the art box and gave them something to do while I was making lunches.


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