Evie and Annalise Taller

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Squid Dogs

It was a long afternoon of being in the car. We had to drive to Jim's work to pick him up and then go to the tire place to retrieve the Grocery Getter (which eventually had all 4 wheels removed at the price of breaking several tools and us having to buy 20 new lugs--ugh..) So when we finally got home, we need a quick dinner. We were inspired by Aunt Becky's post about what they had for dinner so we busted out the Family Fun magazine and made our own Squid Dogs. Recipe for Squid Dogs: First cut up a hot dog. Then stick uncooked spaghetti noodles through it. Boil and Enjoy
Annalise worked very hard creating her dinner.

Even Jim got in on the action.

According to Evie "This is a good dad and daughter activity" All that and mom didn't even have to make dinner.

A steaming plate of Squid Dogs.

The kid who normally only eats the bun of a hot dog even ate the hotdog part (only after all the noodles were gone). You may have noticed that she is still in her Jammies. It was Jammie day at school. These were clean this morning, but she has informed us that she is wearing them to bed.

Evie also enjoyed eating the squid dogs. Uncle Kevin, we are looking forward to your future post on squid dogs. We know you get Family Fun.


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