Evie and Annalise Taller

Sunday, June 28, 2009


We ventured up to Cleveland this past weekend to visit Grandma and Grandpa Taller. Evie also made Grandpa Taller a fancy shirt too. Watch out Grandpa Seibert, your birthday is coming up....

Later that evening, we were treated to a sunset cruise on Lake Erie with Jim's Uncle Bob and Aunt Pam and their sail boat. Here is Jim sailing with downtown Cleveland in the back ground--zoom in. By far, the best sunset cruise we have ever been on!

It was an absolutely beautiful evening with completely clear sky

As the sun sets on Lake Erie, we headed back to the slip. Thanks for a wonderful cruise!! If you ever need sailors, Bob and Pam, we are up for a ride!

On Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa took us to the zoo via the Westside Market. Mom got her cannolli and the girls got a snack.

There was a dino exhibit at the zoo with life size replicas of dinos that moved and roared. Annalise didn't really like it, but Evie was really interested in it. We think she liked it more than the live animals.

We also went into the butterfly house. It would distrub Aunt Becky to know that several really big butterflies fluttered around us the whole time. You can see from this picture how intense it was.

Outside, we saw how the girls measured up to a baby giraffe.

What's a trip to the zoo without sitting on a bronzed animal? They took a ride on a wolf.

Later that day, Grandma and Grandpa hosted a block party with the girls. We took the opportunity for a night out. We attended a fundraiser for the Neighborhood Family Practice www.nfpmedcenter.org where my friend, Katy, works. It is a clinic that serves low income community in Cleveland. They do great things there and we are so proud of Katy and her contributions. Way to go!!

Katy's husband, Steve, was in charge of balloon animals and hats. Here are examples of his work. Pretty good for 3 months practice! Contact him for your next birthday party.

Later, one of the entertainment acts were belly dancers. They invited the crowd to join in. Of course, we had to dance too!

Sunday morning, we met up with Katy, Steve and their kids, as well as our friends Tami, Mike, and Kaia who happened to also be in town from CA.

Evie and Annalise and sweet Kaia. The last time we saw her, she was just a couple weeks old! She is such a cutie!

Tami, Katy and me. It's been too long for a NWO reunion! That's the plan for 2010. Get your calendars ladies, we are having a reunion. (Also, these are my new specs, Aunt Becky. Post yours for comparison.)

Here are all our kids. Eli, Annalise, Sam, Kaia and Evie. They were joined Saturday by another offspring of Crossroads!

Aedan William was born to Krista and Tim on Saturday! Congrats guys! We are so excited to hear about your insites as new parents on your blog! Do you think he would want to come and drink some beer on a parking lot next year????


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