Evie and Annalise Taller

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Aftermath

It was a tough reentry back to Grandparent free life. We had to do laundry,make our own food and the children had to find ways to entertain themselves. It was ok until Annalise started following me around begging for marshmellows to take care of her sugar crashes. So I told them to find one of their many Christmas presents. I didn't mean all of them,but the girls took it that they had to do every craft within the last two days. Annalise made this pretty bag that Tinkerbell also fits in. There are lots of modes of transport for that goat.
Evie busted out the Candy Jewelry maker. Think along the lines of Easy Bake Oven, but melting candy instead of baking cakes.

We popped the finished product out of the mold.

Annalise models her candy earrings.

Evie has candy earring and a necklace.

annalise did do some work today. She folded these towels. Perfect.

And the paper from the paper recycling kit. It was ok,but mom did most of the work and it took all night for the paper to dry. Aunt Becky, your thank you note is on the way. Treasure it because it might be the last paper recycled for a while.

And Evie works on her Cross stitch butterfly. So that completes most of the Christmas crafts. Now they will go back to fighting over pillows and blankets and hanging off the chairs.


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