Evie and Annalise Taller

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Eve recap

Ok, we are catching up on a lot of blogging tonight. So get comfy. On Christmas Eve, I lifted the ban on meat and got a brisket. I made it according to the super secret special recipe from Moe and Jen. Here I am in disbelief that I have his huge hunk of meat in my house. At least I got it from the local butcher.
Jim jumps on the chance to bust out a summer sausage while the meat ban is lifted.

Meanwhile,down in the basement, the girls were playing with some long forgotten toys. They made these "bugs". Note, Annalise stayed in her jammies until Mass at 7 pm. Then she put on clean jammies for bed.

Evie and her creation.

The brisket shrunk during the cooking process. While it was tasty, it just wasn't as good as Moe and Jen's. I guess Catholic guilt doesn't subsitute for Jewish guilt.

Evie made some reindeer food to attract Santa's reindeer to our house. She spread it by the house near the chimney.

You can't really see it but there is oatmeal and glitter out there on the grass..


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