Evie and Annalise Taller

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just another Wednesday

Uncle Kevin and his herd of kids are still hanging around. They are pretty fun and Uncle Kevin proved to be useful. Today, he fixed my lazy susan that has only spinned in one direction. After 3 years, it finally spins in both directions without getting stuck! That's awesome.
There was no school yesterday, but thankfully, there was only a 2 hour delay today. That gave the kids enough time to play together and then get some time apart. During the delay, Natalie, Evie and Tessa made valentines. Oliver and Annalise were too busy picking fights with one another to participate.
Evie worked hard on her valentine.

Tessa even got in on the action with some stickers and lots of marker lid removal.

She is clearly confused as to wear the stickers go.

And by the looks of this purple streak and red dot on her lip, she is also confused about where the markers belong.

Later, the kids went outside and played. OF course, when they came in, they needed hot chocolate. I thought it would be fun to float some frothed milk in their cups.

I gave Tessa a cup of just frothed milk to see what she would do. She tried to drink it and succeeded in looking adorable.

REminds me of the time that Evie played in froth milk. It scarred Aunt Becky and Uncle Bran forever.

Tessa, meanwhile, had fun spreading the milk around

and she got some on her hand,

It felt kind of funny

and she had to show it to me.

Uncle JIm was going to break these boxes down, but the kids had other ideas.

Tessa wanted to play hide and seek.

Oliver shows off his pipe cleaner front loader and Natalie was just goofy.

While half dressed Tessa played in the Barbie house.
Thanks for coming to visit! We will miss you!

And here's the dance party this afternoon with three of the most talented dancers in the house.


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