Evie and Annalise Taller

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Evie's Birthday Party

Evie has been invited to several birthday parties this school year. So when her birthday rolled around she also wanted to have a party. We wanted to do it on a budget so we decided to have her party at the house. We started with a guest list of 6 which grew up to 12. I figured that some kids wouldn't be able to come. They all came so we had a nice loud party.I had lots of games planned. In all, they took about 15 minutes. the kids mostly ran around, wrestled and yelled. They had fun, so it didn't really matter. It was fun to watch them interact with each other. They all have matured so much during the course of this school year. This game here was called shrinking Island. It was kind of like musical chairs but the "island" kept getting smaller and smaller. It was fun to watch them all crowd on.
We also played a game of Hot Potato. This is the only picture that we got of most of the kids. The rest was a blur.

We did the toliet paper roll too. That took about 5 minutes and they had more fun busting out of the toliet paper and throwing it around.

Instead of pin the tail on the donkey, we pinned the bird in the nest of Evie's tree. She also made the nest and colored 14 birds.

A lot of the birds in the nest.
Before cake, we had one last game, moving the cotton ball without using your hands or feet.

They came upstairs and we had cake, fruit and lemonade. We squeezed 14 kids into the kitchen.

then it was presnet time. Everyone wanted to see what Evie received. She got a lot of nice presents and a lot of crafts.
You'd think a few days of this birthday business and Annalise would figure out that she wasn't getting anything.

A few more presents to open.

The kids were all so fun and good. When the parents came, I think everyone was ready for a break and a nap. A fun time, but we are glad it's 365 days until the next birthday party.

After a nap and a shower, Jim and I got all dressed up to go to the school PTO fundraiser dinner. I just wanted to show Aunt Becky my "Salon Hair"


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