Evie and Annalise Taller

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Day 5, WBL style

On our last day of vacation in Minnesota, the girls were begging to go to the lake. I love the lake and have so many good memories of it, so I said yes (after stopping at Caribou first, of course).
I mentioned in my last post that the lake has receded since we have moved. Apparently this is a natural, cyclical thing that happens, so the locals aren't worried about it yet. I do have to say that it was quite disturbing to me to see the shoreline out so far from where it used to be (about 150 feet).
After a long hike, we finally made it to the water.
Those apartments used to be on the shore. That's pretty far. As you can tell, I'm amazed by this.
There was a lot of sand to play in and Annalise managed to get quite a bit on her body.
We met up with Ethan, Mary Kate, and Amy and decided to have a Cup N cone lunch. One more time for old time's sake.
Here they are all polishing off their hot dogs. Don't worry, ice cream was dessert.
As we were leaving WBL, we stopped to pick Jim up from the rental car place. Parked there was Aunt Becky's dream license plate. Even from Wisconsin.

We headed back to Wisconsin to stay the night with our friends, the Rohl Family. While we were there a serious storm rolled in. The sirens went off and we all took cover as a 20 minute hail storm rolled on through.
Here's part of the crew hiding out in the basement. Annalise saved the stuffed cows.

After the storm, we loaded all the kids up in the truck to see the devastation. 8 people in a truck. I'm sure we were breaking several laws, but hey, we had fun.
The hail really did a number on all the crops and probably the Rohl's roof. There was also at least 8 inches of rain that caused this flash flooding. Jamie is posing with the address marker standing in some very gross run off. Thanks for the excitement and beer Jamie and Jenna!!


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