Evie and Annalise Taller

Friday, November 06, 2009

Leaves and more home improvement

Today was the beginning of what is supposed to be a beautiful and warm weekend. We don't have ANY plans for a change so we are going to go where the wind blows us. The girls and Jim will probably head to the zoo tomorrow while I go get my hair cut. Maybe we'll do some yard work, or maybe we will just go for an autumn hike. No matter what we do, the leaves will be waiting for us. The girls and I got a jump on the leaves in the front yard this afternoon. We raked them into a big pile and then they spent a good hour jumping and spreading them back out.
Leaf Rain!

Annalise had leaves all over her, even after her bath!

Then they made a big tower. After all the play, most of the leaves were crumbled back onto the ground. Less to rake up, I guess.

And the other part of our home improvement project:

We had a light installed over the front door so the door wouldn't look like a cave when someone comes to visit after dark. It looks great! Now we get to go to work choosing some new lights to go on either side of the door. Each of the current lights has only 1 socket out of three that still works.


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