Evie and Annalise Taller

Monday, May 24, 2010

The weekend summer started

We started our weekend with a trip to the farmer's market and a soccer game. It was a perfect spring morning that wasn't too hot or too cold. We bought some annuals to plant in front of the house.
After chasing some kids around the soccer field and running a couple of miles, Jim needed a nap before he cut the lawn.
As soon as he woke up, Evie cornered him. Evie has a book called "101 cool science experiments for kids" and reads it often. Mom is not into creating salt volcanos and such, but Dad is much more willing to set up an experiment or two on the weekends. This weekend's experiment was to see if we could cook a hot dog by harnessing the power of the sun.
The hot dog in it's oven. After about 2 hours in the sun, it's internal temp was up to 130 degrees and we deemed it safe to eat.
Evie enjoys her solar powered hot dog. Annalise had half, but we can't remember why she is grumpy in this picture.
After a delicious dinner of cedar planked salmon and grill asparagus, Jim asked the girls if they would like to camp out. So we had a campfire complete with smores and then everyone had a bath because everyone was stinky from soccer and campfire smoke. They found their lanterns and headed for the great outdoors. By the time the fly was zipped up, it was 9:15
Jim reports that Annalise was pretty tired and fell asleep almost immediately. She is still an early riser but managed to sleep in until 7:30!
Evie said the birds woke her up. Jim said that the ground is still hard and the traffic on 31 is still loud in the middle of the night. They all had fun and went out for donuts after they got up.
Summer arrived on Sunday. We tossed around the idea of going to the track for the second day of qualifications, but it was 90% humidity at 9 am so we decided to stay home and putz around. We finished planting the rest of the squash and cucumber and trimmed a few more bushes. The girls begged for the slip and slide, but since we have one broken arm already, they had to make due with the baby pool and a couple of squirt guns.
Later, Evie decided to catch up on some reading inside the 100 degree tent. Hot.
Parker came for a play date and was bossed around and entertained by the girls.
They all had a snack of a nice Popsicle to cool off.
And for dinner on Sunday, we ate from the garden! fresh broccoli and a salad with radishes. Yum.


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