Evie and Annalise Taller

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Our Day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Wednesday was community day at IMS. Last year, we took the Volvo for a spin around the speedway. It was thrilling. This year, I decided that we needed to take the Honda for a ride so we could have a complete set of prints.
On the way to pick Jim up from work, Annalise fell asleep in the sunny, hot car. She was pretty disoriented when she woke up in Jim's car at IMS.
Jim had the honor of driving around the track this year. He said it was much faster than running it.
Evie had to be threatened within an inch of her life if she didn't keep that flag off my head. She was full of questions and pretty much didn't stop talking the whole time.
Here's our view from the car coming out of turn four.
The finish line! (Actually, we learned from the Cliff Claven in the timing area that the official finish line is the middle of the yard of bricks, but there are transponders located 33 inches from the nose of the cars. So this line shows who's transponder crosses first).
Perfect for the Accord. Honda racing. Sign us up. Maybe we could get a more distinguishing paint job so we stop getting into the wrong gray Honda at Menards.
There was alot of stuff for kids. I didn't want to spend my very limited time at the track watching kids in bounce houses, so we made them look at car stuff. Check out Annalise's new favorite hiding spot. Nothing like a sweaty head kid scratching her fiberglass cast against your leg when it is 90 degrees out.
They raced hot wheel cars several times. There were real cars made to look like Hot Wheels cars, but we forgot to take pictures of them. One had 2 engines and 1400 horsepower, but it's top speed was only 25 mph because of the body.
Evie in a race car. Annalise didn't want to get it. She still preferred to stay entwined in my legs.
Winner's circle and look closely at the driver!
Mom and 2 very disinterested kids on the bricks in pit row.
This was Evie's idea. Love it. I'm saving this picture for when she becomes a 500 princess.
That's a big tire.
And some smaller ones.
On the way out, evie continued to beg to go on more bouncers. We refused, but we did let her cross the rope bridge that the boy scouts set up. She didn't fall at all.


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